Interview s Jeffom Maxwellom (MASH 4077th!) a Ryanom Patrickom (MASH Matters podcast) - 3

Tretia časť interview s Jeffom Maxwellom (MASH 4077th!) a Ryanom Patrickom (MASH Matters podcast) pokračuje práve dnes...

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Ak ste si nestihli prečítať druhú časť interview, nájdeteho na nasledovnom odkaze

Seriál M*A*S*H 4077th je jeden z najznámejších seriálov a aj keď ubehlo už neskutočných 37 rokov! od posledného vysielania M*A*S*H, seriál má stále svojich fanúšikov po celom svete a priestor si nachádza aj u mladšej generácii ľudí. M*A*S*H sa odovzdáva doslova z pokolenia na pokolenie a tvrdenia, že miliónom ľudí po celom svete zmenil život nie sú náhodné. Len málokto nepozná doslova legendárne postavy ako Hawkeye Pierce, Radar, Max Klinger, Margaret Houlihan, Frank Burns, BJ, Trapper, Charles Emerson Winchester, Henry Blake alebo Col.Potter. Lenže M*A*S*H nie je len o týchto postavách ale aj o vedľajších ako Igor, Kellye, Rizo, Mulcahy a ostatný.
Posledná časť tohoto seriálu - Goodbye Farewall and Amen doteraz drží rekord v sledovanosti. Celosvetovo si poslednú časť pozrelo 121.6 milióna ľudí. Predbehol ho len Super Bowl. Len na porovnanie, posledná časť Game of Thrones pritiahla k TV 19.3 milióna ľudí a posledná časť Big Bang Theory zase 18 milióna ľudí.

V podcast svete existuje jeden skvelý, ktorý je dedikovaný presne tomuto seriálu - MASH Matters v ktorom môžete počuť Jeffa Maxwella, ktorý stvárnil kuchára Igora a Ryana Patricka - celoživotného fanúšika tohoto seriálu. Podcast je primárne o samotnom seriáli MASH, so skvelými detailmi od Jeffa a Ryana. Podcast, ktorý beží už druhým rokom hosťoval aj viacero hercov: Jamie Farr, Loretta Swit, Gary Burghoff, Kellye Nakahara, Mike Farell, Alan Alda ale producentov, scénaristov ako: Dan Wilcox, John Rappaport a Burt Metcalfe.

Burt Metcalfe, Gene Reynolds, Larry Gelbart

Pár týždňov dozadu sa mi dostalo šance a možnosť porozprávať sa s Jeffom a Ryanom. Nielen o podcaste ale aj seriály samotnom. Z takmer dvojhodinového rozhovoru vypadlo vyše 15 strán textu a tak tento rozhovor musím rozdeliť na 3 časti. Za seba musím povedať, že tak ako je zábavný samotný podcast, tak sú zábavný v skutočnosti Jeff s Ryanom. Pre mňa ako fanúšika MASH tak ide o splnený sen porozprávať sa s niekým, kto strávil nakrúcaním MASH toľko rokov a rozprávať sa s niekým, kto má rovnakú vášeň pre MASH ako ja (Ryan). 

Ako sa spojiť s Jeffom a Ryanom

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Jeff Maxwell

Jeffova kariéra v šoubiznise začala na strednej škole, keď spolu s kamarátom vytvorili komediálny tím Garrett & Maxwell. Ich komediálne schopnosti sa rýchlo rozvíjali a chlapci pokračovali vo vystúpeniach s takými klasickými zabávačmi, ako sú The Smothers Brothers, Redd Foxx, Flip Wilson, Kenny Loggins a Robin Williams. Po veľmi úspešných siedmich rokoch účinkovania po celom svete sa obaja vydali každý svojou cestou a Jeff sa stal vedúcim štúdia v castingovom oddelení spoločnosti 20th Century Fox. Chýbajúce publikum však Jeff vymenil za zelenú uniformu, ktorá sa stala symbolom najsledovanejšou šou v histórii televízie. Počas deviatich rokov hral Jeff rolu vojaka Igora v ikonickej sérii M*A*S*H.
Účinkoval v mnohých ďalších televíznych programoch a filmoch, vrátane komediálnej klasiky The Kentucky Fried Movie, Jeff tiež napísal, produkoval a režíroval množstvo firemných videí, vrátane dvoch ocenených programov na zvyšovanie povedomia o drogách pre spoločnosť Keebler Corporation: I Believe In Me a Sisters. Vytvoril a vyrobil dve pilotné časti pre televíznu sieť CBS a je držiteľom ceny TV Land za prácu na M*A*S*H.
Niekoľko rokov potom, čo sa séria ukončila, sa Jeff vrátil k svojim koreňom M*A*S*H vytvorením najpredávanejšej kuchárskej knihy Secrets of the M*A*S*H Mess: The Lost Recipes of Private Igor. Kniha plná chutných receptov, listov Igorovej mame a nikdy predtým nezverejnených fotografií bola napísaná preto, aby priblížila Jeffove a Igorove skúsenosti s M*A*S*H - a aby ukázala, že Igor bol tajne veľmi dobrý kuchár.
Jeff a jeho priateľ, Rick Shoemaker, vytvorili rozhlasovú šou Breaking In, ktorá mala poslucháčom pomôcť orientovať sa v zložitom svete zábavného priemyslu. Breaking In bol päťročným hitom v Los Angeleskom rádiu.
Golfista, vášnivý lyžiar a v súčasnosti obyvateľ Los Angeles...Jeffovým cieľom je nakoniec presunúť sa do Jackson Hole vo Wyomingu a lyžovať až kým nezapadne do snehu.

Ryan Patrick

Ryan Patrick strávil väčšinu svojho detstva nahrávaním hlúpych hlasov a bezduchých úvah do svojho  magnetofónu. Zdá sa, že niektoré veci sa nikdy nezmenia. Ryan je spisovateľ, rečník, manžel, otec, bývalý amatérsky kúzelník a milovník syra - nie luxusného syra, iba vášho bežného čedara.

Ryan, ktorý je veteránom divadelnej scény, sa predstavil v takmer 100 hrách a muzikáloch. Medzi obľúbené úlohy / predstavenia patria: Willy Loman v snímke Death Of A Salesman, Atticus Finch v snímke To Kill A Mockingbird, Lloyd in Noises Off !, Tevye vo filme Fiddler On The Roof, Oscar Madison vo filme The Odd Couple, viceprezident Panch v 25. ročníku Putnam County Spelling Bee a rôzne svojrázne postavy vo filmoch Greater Tuna a The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (skrátené).

Okrem svojich povinností v M*A*S* H ​​Matters hosťuje Ryan aj v relácii Funny Business: 18-minútový podcast o marketingu, manažmente a sekcii so svojím najlepším priateľom a obchodným partnerom Timom Milesom.

Keď Ryan nesleduje M*A*S*H, baví ho živé divadlo, zbiera autogramy, fandí svojmu milovanému St. Louis Cardinals a pasívne/agresívne kritizuje reklamy iných ľudí.

Ryan býva v južnom Illinois so svojou manželkou, dvoma deťmi a psom menom W * A * L * T * E * R.


Pokračovanie tretej časti - najmenej obľúbená scéna

Otázka Lukáš: Poznám odpoveď :) ktorá je vaša najmenej obľúbená scéna z MASH?

Ryan: smeje sa

Lukáš pokračuje: viem, že teraz spravíme nejaký ten "šum" medzi fanúšikmi

Ryan: Ty si počúval podcast, ty už vieš odpoveď, ty vieš ktorá je naša najmenej obľúbená scéna

Lukáš: Áno, viem :)

Ryan pokračuje: Veľký červený vták s chlpatými ružovými nohami

Všetci: smejú sa

Ryan pokračuje: Je to scéna a práve dnes som videl niekoho na Reddit ako hovoril o tejto scéne, ako miluje práve túto scénu a veľa ľudí písalo to isté - ako zbožňujú túto scénu a ja naozaj nechápem prečo tak veľa ľudí miluje práve túto scénu. Ale nemôžem súdiť každého kto ju má rád, pretože každý z nás má rád nejakú inú scénu, obľúbené vety a nikdy sa všetci nezhodneme na tom isto. Ale pre mňa to je jednoducho scéna, ktorá sa mi vždy dostala pod kožu, ale vieš to som len ja....veľa ľudí túto scénu miluje, neviem prečo...

Všetci: smejú sa

Jeff: Nemám nevyhnutne scénu, ktorú nemám rád. Pre mňa boli všetky súčasťou môjho života.

Ryan: Predsa každá scéna kde nebol Igor, nie je tak?

Všetci: smejú sa

Jeff: Áno to je pravda

Lukáš: Vieme, že na začiatku šou, MASH bol takmer zrušený

Jeff: Áno skoro bol, to je pravda

Zlomový bod pre MASH

Otázka Lukáš: Čo bol ten zlomový bod, čo dostal MASH späť?

Jeff: Ja som prišiel, hodnotenia vystreli raketovo hore

Všetci: smejú sa

Jeff pokračuje: Smejete sa, ale je to pravda. Hneď ako som prišiel...

Ryan: Verím, že zlomový bod prišiel a oprav ma Jeff ak sa mýlim, ale boli dve veci, ktoré sa stali. Jedna z nich: manželka Williama Paleyho bola veľký fanúšik šou. William Paley bol prezidentom CBS a ona naozaj vychválila šou jej manželovi a preto, že ona bola taký veľký fanúšik šou bol dôvod prečo sa MASH vrátil po prvej sezóne. Ďalšia vec, ktorá si myslím, že pomohla seriálu bolo tá, že bola spárovaná s 'All in the family' ktorá bola v tom čase obrovská šou na CBS, bol to najväčší seriál v TV a MASH vysielali hneď po tomto seriáli. V tom čase takáto silná šou bola tak dôležitá pre seriál ako MASH, pretože ľudia nemali ďiaľkové ovládače, museli vstať a prejsť celú obývačku aby zmenili stanicu a ak boli lenivý a nechcelo sa im...tak keď skončilo All in the Family, bol tam zrazu MASH a povedali si, že si pozrú pár minút. Zrazu si ľudia začali uvedomovať, že to je naozaj dobré.

Tak isto scenáristi, Larry Gelbart tam bol prvé 4 sezóny a jeho písanie čo sa týka komédie bolo neskutočné. Ale bolo to niečo iné ako ostatné šou, ktoré sa vysielali v tom čase a stále dodnes je to niečo iné ako to, čo sa vysiela. Ľudia najprv nevedeli, čo si o tom majú myslieť, ale šou narastala a viac a viac ľudí jej dalo šancu a skôr než si uvedomili boli spojený s postavami, hercami a príbehmi. Myslím si, že sa udialo viacero rôznych vecí v rovnaký čas.

Jeff prikývne a pokračuje: Tak isto Gene Reynolds (výkonný producent) bol veľmi rešpektovaný stanicou a mal za sebou viacero TV seriálov pred MASH. Mal tam dlhú históriu a z toho čo som počul, nebol som však v miestnosti aby som počul ten rozhovor, popri tom všetkom čo povedal Ryan, si myslím, že Larry Gelbart a Gene Reynolds išli na stanicu a žobrali...

Jeff: smeje sa

Jeff pokračuje: Alebo aspoň im predali myšlienku aby im dali viac času, že to bude fungovať. Myslím si, že stanica mala vysokú mienku o Genovi Reynoldsovi a Larrym Gelbartovi aby povedali OK. A možno manželka (William Paley) prišla, Jeff imituje: áno áno, spravte to

To mohlo znieť ako urážka, či nie? Neviem ako znela ale je to dosť možné, že takto

Všetci: smejú sa

Jeff: ospravedlňujem sa pani Paley.

Ryan: to bola presná imitácia

Všetci: smejú sa

Jeff: budú ma za to súdiť? Bude mi niekto kvôli tomu volať?

Všetci: smejú sa

Jeff pokračuje: Boli rešpektovaný, veľmi rešpektované talenty. Bolo to to všetko, čo Ryan popísal, všetky tie veci sa spojili a nakoniec im povedali, ok dajme im ďalšiu sezónu a vyšlo to.

Ryan pokračuje: Chvíľu trvalo pokým si seriál našiel svoj hlas a zadefinoval cestu

Všetci: prikývnu hlavou

Ryan pokračuje: na začiatku to bola strelená komédia a potom v polke 1 sezóny odvysielajú časť ako: Někdy kulku uslyšíš (Sometimes you hear the bullet)

Lukáš: prikývne

Ryan pokračuje: To je taký veľký odklon od strelenej komédia za ktorú ju veľa ľudí malo. Zrazu si veľa ľudí všimlo, že toto nie Hogan's Hero 2, toto je niečo iné, niečo špeciálne. Trvalo však nejaký čas pokým všetky tieto veci začali fungovat a počas sezóny 2/3 a ďalej, už mal seriál svoj hlas a zadefinovanú cestu. A ten hlas sa zmenil ešte viac ako jednotlivé série pokračovali (Ryan narážal na fakt, že seriál hovoril o viacerých ťažkých)

Jeff: A ja som prišiel do šou

Ryan: áno, to je jasné

Lukáš: vyznačím to je veľkým tmavým písmom

Jeff: Super, ďakujem

Ryan: smeje sa

Jeff: cením si to

Keď niektorý odchádzajú

Otázka Lukáš: Aká bola nálada hercov, keď niektorý z nich začali odchádzať: Frank, Radar, Trapper, Henry Blake. Vznikli nejaké obavy, že šou sa môže vydať zlým smerom?

Jeff: odpovedal by som ti, ale radšej ťa pozvem a hocikoho iného, kto bude toto čítať, aby si vypočul podcast s Alanom Aldom, pretože on na to odpovedá. Myslím, že je zaujímavé vypočuť si to.

Otázka Lukáš: Ryan pre teba ako fanúšika, ako si sa cítil keď sme stratili takéto postavy?

Ryan: Pre mňa to bolo iné. Pozeral som seriál, keď sa vysielal prvý krát a pamätám si počas poslednej časti, bol som veľmi mladý a pamätám si, že počas poslednej časti som utekal do svojej izby a vyplakal som si oči. Každý zo seriálu bol súčasťou mojej rodiny a v ten moment odchádzal každý. Veľa častí som však nevidel pri prvom vysielaní ale pri repríze. Niekedy pri repríze nevysielali časti v správnom poradí. Takže nie vždy som cítil nejaké prepojenie s postavami a nevedel som, čo znamená o nich prísť, pretože kvôli reprízam som vedel, že zajtra budú späť.

Ale pamätám si niektoré momenty - keď Henry Blake * spojler* zomrel na konci 3 sezóny, pamätám si keď som to videl prvý krát a pamätám si ako ma to ovplyvnilo pomerne silno, pretože to bola postava, ktorú som miloval vieš? Hlavne pre mladšie človeka, bol veľmi vtipný, "trafený" a to sa mi páčilo...stále padal, robil vtipné "ksichty" a podobné veci a z ničoho nič je nie len on preč zo šou, ale jeho postava je navždy preč a to má taký dopad, že to je proste wou. To ťa naozaj zrazí... Preto ma veľmi zaujíma počuť od ľudí, ktorý to pozerajú prvý krát, vedia aké to je zamilovať sa do niekoho ako Henry Blake a potom strhnú koberec z pod vás. Vedia aké to je prísť o Trappera a vedia, čo je zač tento nový človek BJ, nevedia či ho majú radi alebo nie a nakoniec ho máš rád.

Lukáš: prikývne

Ryan pokračuje: Frank je preč, privedú niekoho vtipnejšieho, bude to úplne niekto iný. Áno, priviedli kompletne niekoho iného, ale tak isto to nebola šálka čaju pre každého. Radar, zbožňovaná postava, niekto ho má naozaj rád a zrazu je preč a potom vidíš evolúciu Maxa Klingera...Preto ma zaujíma počuť od ľudí akú majú s tým skúsenosť, pretože ja s tým skúsenosť nemám a neprežil som to tak isto aj keď som videl všetky časti ale videl som ich v úplne inom poradí ako keby som ich sledoval od 1 časti.

Otázka Lukáš: Ak by ste si mali vybrať: Frank alebo Charles?

Ryan: oh, to je ľahké pre mňa

Jeff: smeje sa

Ryan pokračuje: Povedal som to viackrát na podcaste Charles Emerson Winchester III je jeden z mojich nielen najobľúbenejších postáv z MASH ale najobľúbenejšia postava v TV. Bola zahraná perfektne Davidom Ogdenom Stierom. Je to postava, ktorú nemáš moc rád ale keď začneš "šúpať" jednotlivé vrstvy cibule dole, začneš vidieť, čo je pod ňou a kto je Charles a v skutočnosti je to súcitný, starostlivý človek. V rukách slabšieho herca by to bol len ďalší Frank Burns. Nehovorím to, lebo chcem dehonestovať Larryho Linvilleho, pretože Larry Linville mal nevďačnú prácu zahrať túto postavu a dokázal to. Bol to skvelý herec, ktorý dokázal zobrať to, čo mu bolo ponúkané, ale problém bol v tom, že Frank nemal kam ísť, nebolo cesty spraviť z Franka človeka. Nikto by tomu neuveril. Ale tým, že prišiel Charles, bola tu možnosť mať niekoho podobného na povrchu ako Frank, ale keď sa pozrieš pod jeho fasádu, objavíš ľudskosť v Charlesovom srdci. Človeče David Odge Stiers to zaklincoval, zaklincoval.

Jeff: Áno spravil to skvelo, bol to skvelé premostenie, skvelá zmena, ktorú dokázali. Zbožňoval som sledovať scény Larryho Linvilla a Lorettu Swit v jej stane. Stan mal možno 2x2 metre, naozaj tieto sety boli malé a obsadené a sledovať ich ako robia svoj "tanec" na takom malom mieste, hovoriť všetky tie vtipné veci a mať tieto úžasné postavy a všetko fungovalo, sedel som tam v úžase, bolo to krásne. Bolo to ako sledovať dobrú choreografiu tanca. Nie len po fyzickej stránke alebo aj po slovnej. Bolo to skvelé, bol skvelý človek a mal som ho veľmi rád. Ale súhlasím s Ryanom, Winchester bola skvelá postava, ktorú priniesli a on odviedol skvelú prácu, rovnako ako Larry. Larry odviedol úžasnú prácu.

Lukáš: súhlasím

Jeff pokračuje: Robil to ohromne dobre

Ryan:  Áno robil...

Jeff: A ten Igor, ten Igor, poviem ti...ak chceme hovoriť o umení herectva...uuuhmmm

Ryan/Lukáš: smejú sa

Lukáš: Mal si ťažkú robotu spraviť všetky tie výraze tváre počas niektorých scén - vystrelenie trubky z Radarových rúk, to je asi scéna, ktorú som videl najviac krát

Jeff: smeje sa...ale pane, ten uhol (veta z danej scény)

Ryan: smeje sa

Jeff pokračuje: Vieš...

Lukáš: Bolo to skvelé

Jeff: ooo, ďakujem 

Jeff pokračuje: Moja skúsenosť z komediálneho tímu má s tým veľa dočinenia, pretože som strávil veľa rokov na pódiu robením rôznych tvárí až tak, že som vedel, že tvár 12 vyvolá smiech v tejto situácii, číslo 14 pravdepodobne nie ale číslo 12 bude fungovať.

Lukáš/Ryan: smejú sa

Jeff pokračuje: Fyzicky som vedel, čo bude fungovať a pomohlo to vo viacerých situáciách v ktorých bol Igor umiestnený. Tie tváre prišli vhod, že som sa ich naučil behaním po kluboch.

Ryan: smeje sa

Otázka Lukáš: OK, posledná z: vyber si svoj obľúbenú postavu: Blake alebo Potter?

Ryan: Uhhhm z týchto dvoch ma to viac berie k Potterovi, Blake bola obľúbená postava ale nebol veliteľ. Potter bol veliteľ a Potter bol niekto kto bol pri zemi. Blake bol doktor, ktorý bol hodený do velenia, Potter bol niekto kto vedel, že je v armáde, armáda bola jeho kariéra a vniesol otcovský pocit postave. McLean Stevenson bol jeden z najvtipnejších ľudí v šou, ale niečo bolo na Potterovi a jeho ľudskosti, empatii a vedel byť prísny ale aj nežný. Bol tak múdry... MASH bol majstrovský, čo sa týka nových ľudí, keď niekto odišiel a nie vždy prišiel niekto, kto bol rovnaký ako ten ktorého mal nahradiť, tak ako v skutočnom živote, bol by to iný človek s inou osobnosťou a inými pocitmi. Harry Morgan bol totálnym opakom Henryho Blaka každým smerom a obaja Henry Blake aj Col.Potter pasovali do scén rôznym spôsobom. Z týchto dvoch by som si vybral Pottera. 

Lukáš: Jeff ty si vieš vybrať?

Jeff: Nie neviem a vieš prečo? Lebo ideme k faktu, že ja a Ryan sme odlišný: On pozeral seriál, ja som tam pracoval a na veľa ľudí nemyslím ako na postavy, aj keď oceňujeme ich herecké schopnosti a čo všetko spravili ale neviem sa prikloniť k jednému ani druhému, pretože som strávil veľa času s obidvoma ako s ľuďmi a obdivujem obidvoch.

Ako spomenul Ryan, McLean Stevenson bol jeden z najvtipnejších ľudí na svete, rozosmial každého medzi jednotlivými scénami, improvizoval na hocičo čo mu človek povedal a každý sa smial tak, že ležal na zemi. Bol skutočne hystericky zábavný človek. Harry Morgan bol tak isto veľmi zábavný, pozrel som sa naňho a myslel som si: toto je Harry Morgan, tento chlap hral vo filme: Inherit the wind a v ďalších skvelých filmoch ako High Noone a zbožňujem jeho postavy a všetko, čo spravil za svoj život a teraz pozerá na mňa a ja sa s ním rozprávam...Vyľakal som sa.

Ryan: smeje sa

Jeff: Mám ich oboch rád, pred jedným som stál ako pred neskutočným hercom a tak isto som mal rád, že som sa mohol rozprávať s jedným z najvtipnejších ľudí na svete McLean Stevensonom - takže nemám obľúbeného v tomto smere a nemôžem ti bohužiaľ odpovedať na otázku. Mám ich oboch moc rád, mám veľký rešpekt...tak to je ten rozdiel pri tejto otázke.

Posledná otázka

Lukáš: Držal som vás tu oboch už dosť dlho a bol by som rád ak by sme pokračovali ďalšie 2-3, stále mám veľa otázok..

Jeff: smeje sa

Jeff pokračuje: Lukáš ďakujem, že si sa nás spýtal a pozval si nás, bolo to zábavné sa s tebou rozprávať a bol som naozaj prekvapený, že počujeme od niekoho z opačného konca sveta, niekto kto pozerá MASH, počúva MASH, vážime si to, ja si to vážim a bola to zábava sa s tebou rozprávať. Nevedel som, že ľudia na Slovensku počúvajú našu šou, možno si jediný ale to je ok.

Jeff: smeje sa
Otázka Lukáš: Posledná otázka, pred pár týždňami ste mali vonku prieskum (pozn.autora: Jeff a Ryan sa pýtali ľudí, aké zmeny by privítali v podcaste), môžete mi prezradiť na čo sa môžeme tešiť?

Ryan: Pracujeme na niektorých veciach a dúfam, že čoskoro budeme mať niečo vonku pre našich fanúšikov, aby mohli podporiť šou viacerými spôsobmi. Nemôžem zatiaľ povedať viac. Ale veci sú v pohybe, povedzme to takto. Čo sa týka samotného podcastu, máme viacerých hostí, spravili sme viaceré rozhovory, ktoré sme ešte nezverejnili a stále budeme hľadať cestu ako osloviť viac ľudí.

Sme požehnaný, že máme toľko reakcií od poslucháčov - je to požehnanie ale aj prekliatie zároveň pretože sme tak zahrnutý otázkami od poslucháčov a odkazov. Takže máme veľa otázok, ktoré musíme zodpovedať. Po každé keď zodpovieme 5 dostaneme ďalších 12, čo nie je zlé, nesťažujem sa v žiadnom prípade. Ak by sme nemali tieto otázky, krútili by sme palcami 15 minút.

Všetci: smejú sa

Ryan pokračuje: Na podcaste a potom by sme ho vypli. Takže je to skvelé, je to základ nášho podcastu - otázky od čitateľov, spätná väzba, historky ktoré ľudia s nami zdieľajú. Cítim sa zle, pretože je ich toľko veľa, že sme sa ku všetkým ešte nedostali. Ale dostaneme sa. Máme prichystané rozhovory s ľuďmi, teda s jedným konkrétnym a som si istý, že ich bude viacero, ktorý nie sú bezprostredne naviazaný na šou, ale pozeráme sa na spôsob ako previazať týchto ľudí so šou alebo so zábavným priemyslom. Mali sme tu autora Stevena Rebello, ktorý nemal žiadne spojenie so šou ale ml veľké spojenie s 20th Century Fox, čo bolo štúdio, ktoré stálo za MASH. Takže sa pozeráme aj na takéto veci. Máme ďalšiu bonusovú časť, ktorá by mala prísť dúfam pred koncom roka s veľmi špeciálnym hosťom.

Inak budeme pokračovať v tom čo robíme a ako to robíme, počúvať a odpovedať na otázky, robiť rozhovory a keď to nie je pokazené nebudeme to opravovať.



Na záver by som sa chcel ešte raz poďakovať Jeffovi a Ryanovi, že si našli čas na tento rozhovor a podelili sa so mnou o veľa informácií zo zákulisia MASH, podcaste MASH Matters a boli otvorený všetkým otázkam, ktoré som mal. Pre fanúšika bol toto splnený sen. Na jednej strane som mal možnosť porozprávať sa s niekým, kto hral dlhé roky v MASH a na druhej strane som mal možnosť podeliť sa o svoju vášen pre MASH s niekým, kto zdieľa ešte väčšiu náklonosť k seriálu ako ja. Toto je určite jeden z tých momentov na ktorý tak skoro nezabudnem.

Jeff/Ryan ďakujem!



Second part of our interview with Jeff Maxwell and Ryan Patrick continues today....

To read 1st part, visit following link

To read 2nd part, visit following link

English version

TV show M*A*S*H 4077th is one of the most famous TV shows ever and even though it's of the air for incredible 37 years! The series has still fans around the world and is finding its way with younger generation as well. M*A*S*H is literally passing from one generation to another generation and claims that it has affected lives of millions around the world are not accidental. Few don't know literally legendary characters like Hawkeye Pierce, Radar, Max Klinger, Margaret Houlihan, Frank Burns, BJ, Trapper, Charles Emerson Winchester, Henry Blake or Col.Potter. But M*A*S*H ​​is not only about these characters but also about supporting characters like Igor, Kellye, Rizzo, Mulcahy and others.

Last episode - Goodbye Farewell and Amen holds the record for the most-watched single-network television broadcasts in US - 105.9 million people, worldwide it was 121.3 million people. It was overtaken only by the Super Bowl. By comparison, the last part of Game of Thrones attracted 19.3 million people to TV and the last part of Big Bang Theory attracted 18 million people.

There is one great podcast in the podcast world that is dedicated to this series - MASH Matters, in which you can hear Jeff Maxwell, who played private Igor and Ryan Patrick - a lifelong fan of this series. The podcast is primarily about the MASH series itself, with great details from Jeff and Ryan. The podcast, which has been running for the second year, has also hosted several actors: Jamie Farr, Loretta Swit, Gary Burghoff, Kellye Nakahara, Mike Farrell, Alan Alda and other such as: Dan Wilcox, John Rappaport and Burt Metcalfe.

Burt Metcalfe, Gene Reynolds, Larry Gelbart

A few weeks ago, I had the chance and the opportunity to talk with Jeff and Ryan. Not only about the podcast but also about the series itself. More than 15 pages of text fell out of almost two-hour interview, so I will divide this interview into 3 parts. I have to say that just as the podcast itself is fun, so is Jeff and Ryan. For me as a MASH fan, it's a dream come true to talk to someone who has spent so many years filming MASH and to be able to share my passion for the show with someone as Ryan.

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Jeff Maxwell

Jeff’s show business career began in high school when he and a pal formed a comedy team, Garrett & Maxwell. Their comedic skills developed rapidly, and the boys went on to perform with such classic entertainers as The Smothers Brothers, Redd Foxx, Flip Wilson, Kenny Loggins and Robin Williams. After a very successful seven years of performing around the world, the two went their separate ways, and Jeff became a studio executive in the casting department of 20th Century Fox. Missing an audience, however, Jeff traded his executive suits for a green uniform in what was destined to become the most watched show in television history. For nine years, Jeff played the role of Private Igor the beleaguered mess tent cook on the iconic series, M*A*S*H

Acting in many other television shows and films, including a comedy-classic, The Kentucky Fried Movie, Jeff also wrote, produced and directed numerous corporate videos, including two award-winning drug-awareness programs for the Keebler Corporation: I Believe In Me and Sisters. He created and produced two pilots for the CBS television network and is the recipient of a TV Land Award for his work on M*A*S*H.

Some years after the series ended production, Jeff returned to his M*A*S*H roots by authoring a best-selling cookbook, Secrets of the M*A*S*H Mess: The Lost Recipes of Private Igor. Filled with delicious recipes, letters to Igor’s mom, and never-before-seen photos, the book was written to tell Jeff and Igor’s side of their M*A*S*H experience – and to make the case that Private Igor was secretly a good cook.

Forever the entrepreneur, Jeff and a music executive friend, Rick Shoemaker, created Breaking In, a radio show designed to help listeners navigate the complex world of breaking into the entertainment business. Breaking In was a five-year hit on Los Angeles radio.

His production entity is also deeply involved in creating and selling motion picture and television products, including a very intriguing documentary about golf.

A golfer, avid skier, and currently a Los Angeles resident, Jeff’s goal is to eventually move to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and ski until he drops over in the snow.

Ryan Patrick

Ryan Patrick spent most of his childhood recording silly voices and mindless musings into his handy-dandy tape recorder. Some things, it seems, never change.

Ryan is a writer, speaker, husband, father, former amateur magician, and a lover of cheese. Not fancy cheese. Just your run-of-the-mill cheddar. Sharp, preferably.

A veteran of the community theatre stage, Ryan has appeared in nearly 100 plays and musicals. Favorite roles/shows include: Willy Loman in Death Of A Salesman, Atticus Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird, Lloyd in Noises Off!, Tevye in Fiddler On The Roof, Oscar Madison in The Odd Couple, Vice-Principal Panch in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, and various quirky characters in Greater Tuna and The Complete Works of William Shakespeare (abridged).

In addition to his duties on M*A*S*H Matters, Ryan also hosts Funny Business: The 18-Minute Podcast About Marketing, Management, and Meatloaf with his best friend and business partner, Tim Miles.

When Ryan isn’t watching M*A*S*H, he’s enjoying live theatre, collecting autographs, cheering for his beloved St. Louis Cardinals, and passive-aggressively critiquing other people’s commercials.

Ryan resides in southern Illinois with his wife, two kids, and a dog named W*A*L*T*E*R.


Part 3 - least favorite show

Question Lukas: I know the answer now, but was the least favorite scene of the MASH for you?

Ryan: laughs

Lukas continues: I know we will create some noise with fans here

Ryan: You’ve listened to the podcast, you know our answer, you know which one is our least favorite.

Lukas: yes I did 😊

Ryan continues: Big red bird with fuzzy pink feet

All: laughs

Ryan continues: It’s a scene in fact, I saw somebody on reddit today posted that scene and talked about their love of that scene and everybody commented how much they love that scene and I don’t understand why so many people love that scene. But I can’t judge everyone who does love it because you know we all have favorite scene, favorite lines and nobody has ever going agree on everything. But for me it just I don’t know, it was a scene that has always gotten under my skin, but you know that just me…lot of people love I don’t know why

All: laughs

Jeff: I don’t necessarily have a scene I don’t have as favorite. To me they were all part of my life.

Ryan: Well any scene that didn’t future Igor, right?

All: laughs

Jeff: Well that it’s true

All: laughs

Lukas: We know that at the beginning of the show MASH was almost canceled at some point.

Jeff: Yes it was that’s true

Turning point for MASH

Question Lukas: What was the turning point, that MASH got back on track

Jeff: I came on the show. Ratings went sky high.

All: laughs

Jeff continues: You are laughing but that’s the truth, Soon as I came to the show…

Ryan: I believe the turning point came and correct me if I’m wrong Jeff, but I think when 2 things happened. One was William Paley’s wife was a huge fan of the show. William Paley was the president of CBS and she really championed show to his husband and that MASH came back after 1st season was because of her support to the show. Another thing, I think helped the show was it was paired with All in the family which was juggernaut show on CBS, it was the biggest show on TV and they put it on after All in the family. And at that time, lead-end show was so important to a series like that because people didn’t have remote controls, they would have get up and walk across living room to change the channel and if they were lazy and didn’t want to do that, well when All in the family went of there was suddenly MASH and they say aaah well I will watch few minutes of this. And suddenly people were going wow this is pretty good.
I think also that writing, I mean Larry Gelbart was there for first 4 seasons and his writing was just implacable when it comes to comedy. But it was unlike any other show really on the air at that time and still to this day it’s unlike so many shows around here. People just didn’t know what to think of it at first, but it grew and more and more people gave it chance and before you know it they were really invested in these characters, these actors and story lines and I think there was just rare combination of several different things that had to happen did happen all at the same time.

Jeff Nods and continues: Also I think that Gene Reynolds who was the executive producer was highly respected by the network and he had produce lot of TV shows before MASH so he had a lot of history there and I believe from what I understand and I wasn’t in the room to hear the conversations, along with everything Ryan said, I also think that Larry Gelbart and Gene Reynolds went to the network and probably begged…

Jeff: laughs

Jeff continues: Or at least sold the idea, that give us more time, its gonna work. And I think the network tough enough about Gene Reynolds and Larry Gelbart to finally go OK and maybe the wife came in and said: imitating now: yeah yeah come on do that…
That was probably kind of insulting wasn’t it to say that? I don’t know what she sounds like but it is possible

All: laughs

Jeff continues: I apologize to miss Payle

Ryan: That was spot on impersonation

All: laughs

Jeff: Am I gonna get sued? Is somebody gonna call me?

All: laughs

Jeff continues: You know they were respected, highly respected talents and so I think it was all those like Ryan said all those things sort of went into bag and they finally ok let's get them another season and it worked out.

Ryan continues: And it also takes little bit time for series to find its voice and define its footing. 

All: nods 

Ryan continues: Initially there was that mix between zeine and takes in the front and halfway through the 1st season they dropped episode like: Sometimes you hear the bullet

Lukas: Nods

Ryan continues: Which is a such a departure from whacky zeine thing that so many people thought it was. So, all of the sudden lot of people were taking notice: Oh this isn’t Hogens hero 2, this is something different, this is something special. But it took little bit of time for all those things to work out and by season 2/3 and moving forward it really found it’s footing and knew what it’s voice was. And of course, that voice changed even more as series went on too.

Jeff: And I came on the show.

Ryan: Yes, obviously.

Lukas: I will put that in some super bolt to highlight it

Jeff: Yeah, thank you

Ryan: Laughs

Jeff: I appreciate that

When some leave

Question Lukas: What was the mood of cast when couple of people started to leave the show: Frank, Radar, Trapper,  Henry Blake. Where there some tensions that this might take show to a wrong way?

Jeff: I would give you answer to that, but I would invite you and anyone reading this material, to listen to Alan Alda appearance on podcast because he is answers that. I think it’s interesting to hear what he said. So, I wont’s spill the beans

Lukas: Ryan for you as a fan of the show what did you felt when we lost this kind of established people?

Ryan: You know it is little different for me. I did watched the show some when it was during on original airing and I do remember during final episode, I was very young and I remember when that final episode aired I went to my room and cried my eyes out. Because everybody on that show was part of my family and then everybody was leaving at that point. But lot of these episodes I didn’t watch on 1st run but on re-runs, but sometimes on re-runs they do not air episodes in correct order. So I never necessarily felt the connection to some of these characters and then knew what it felt like to have them go away because of the re-run I knew some of them will be back next day.
But I do remember some moments – when Henry Blake * spoiler alert* is killed at the end of season 3, I remember 1st time watching that and I remember it affecting me in very powerful way because he was character who I loved you know? Specially as a younger person he was very funny, very goofy he appealed to me, he was always falling down, making funny faces and doing things like that and all of sudden not only he is gone from the show, but his character is gone forever and that is impactful that is vow. That really knock you out. That’s why I’m so interested  hearing from people who are watching it for the very first time, so they are knowing what it feels like to fall in love with somebody like Henry Blake and then have the rug pulled out from under them. They know what it feels like to see Trapper go unexpectedly and you know who is this new guy BJ, I don’t know if I like him or not and they you end up do like him. 

Lukas: nods

Frank, oh good he is gone there gonna get somebody funnier, they gonna get somebody completely different. Well they did completely different, but he was not necessary everybody cup of tea either.
Radar who was beloved character, you know somebody falling in love with Radar and then all of a sudden he is gone and you see the evolution then of Max Klinger.
That’s why I’m so interested in hearing from people who are experiencing that, because I haven’t experienced that I haven’t experienced that in a same way because I saw all of episodes but I saw them in completely different random order than I ever would if I’ve would watch from episode 1.

Question Lukas: Another  one, if you need to pick: Frank or Charles?

Ryan: oh…That is easy for me

Jeff: laughs

Ryan continues: I’ve sad several time on podcast Charles Emerson Winchester III is one of my, not just my all-time favorite MASH characters but one of my all time favorite characters on TV. Played masterfully by David Ogden Stier. He is character that on the surface is so unlikable, but when you start peeling layers of the onion and you start seeing what is underneath and what makes him Charles and there actually is compassionate caring person under neath that façade and in a hands of a lessor actor that could have been just another Frank Burns. I don’t say that in any way to demean Larry Linville, because Larry Linville had a thankless job to make that character work and he did. He was a fantastic actor to be able to take what was given to him, but problem is there was nowhere for Frank to go, there was no way to make Frank human. Because it would not have been believable. But with Charles coming in you had the opportunity to have something on surface is very much like Frank but when you start looking underneath you discover there is level of humanity in Charles heart. And man, David Ogden Stiers nailed it, nailed it. 

Jeff: He sure did, that was a great switch, that was a great change, they really pulled it up by doing that. I used to love watching Larry Linville do scene with Lorreta Swit and when they are in Lorreta tent. The tent is about 7 by 7, I mean it's really small these sets and it’s crowded and to watch them do this dance what they did in tiny little environment and say all the funny thing they did and have all these magnificent character trades they each did and make it all work and make sense I just sit there in amazement because it was just beautiful, it was really like watching beautifully choreographed dance. But not only with physicality but also the verbal going on. It was pretty cool, he was a great guy and l liked him very much. But I agree with Ryan boy, Winchester was a fabulous character they brought in and he did tremendous job and so did Larry. Larry did an amazing job what he did.

Lukas: I agree

Jeff continues: He did stunningly good at doing it.

Ryan: Yes he did

Jeff: And that Igor guy that Igor guy, let me tell you this guy…we wanna talk about acting chops holly molly, not necessarily pork chops but acting chops…uuuhhm

Ryan, Lukas: laughs in background

Lukas: You had tough job to emulate all the facial expression during some of the scenes, shooting bugle out of Radar hands, that’s the scene I saw probably the most…

Jeff: laughs, but sir the angle (line from the scene)

Ryan: laughs

Jeff continues: You know…

Lukas: that was wonderful

Jeff: ou thank you

Jeff continues:  My comedy team experience payed off doing that because I spent so many years on stage making those faces that I knew face #12 was gonna big laugh in this situation, face #14 maybe not but #12 will really gonna work.

Lukas, Ryan: laughs

Jeff continues: You know I physically I knew what would work in terms of funny as a face and it helped in various situation where Igor is placed, those faces came in handy that I learned from running around clubs making faces.

Ryan: laughs

Question Lukas: Ok, last one from pick your favorite character: Blake or Potter

Ryan: Uhhhm of the two I would steer toward more Potter, Blake was beloved character but he was not a leader. Potter was a leader and Potter was somebody who brought a gravitate, he was grounded. Blake was a doctor who was thrown into leadership, Potter was somebody who knew he had been in army, army was his career and he brought fatherly feel to character and god love McLean Stevenson, one of the funniest people on the show, but there was something about Potter and his humanity and his empathy and he could be stern but he could also be soft. He was so wise too…
When MASH was masterful in bringing in, when one character left, they didn’t necessarily  always bring in the same exact character to replace that character, just like real life it would be different person with different personality and different feel. Harry Morgan was complete 1-80 from Henry Blake in every way and both Henry Blake and Col.Potter worked in their different ways and those different scenarios. Of the two I would lean toward Potter.

Lukas: Jeff can you pick one?

Jeff: No, I can’t, you know why? Because this goes to the fact that we are, Ryan and I, are different: He watched the show I worked there and so I think of them as people and not necessarily the characters although I appreciate their acting ability and what they did but I don’t identify with one of the other, because I spent so much time with both of them as human beings,  I really admire both of them. As Ryan said McLean Stevenson Is one of the funniest people in the world, he would crack everybody up when they say cut between the shots, he would do improvisational riffs on anything that you talked to him about and have everybody on floor because he truly was hysterically funny human being. Harry Morgan was also very funny and I look at harry Morgan and think: this is Harry Morgan, this guy was in Inherit the wind and all these incredible movies, High Noon and Iove this characters and what he’s done over his whole lifetime and now he is looking at me and I’m talking to him as character and I just freaked out.

Ryan: laughs

Jeff: I love them as the fact that I was standing in front of this incredible actor and I also loved the fact that I’ve could talk to one of the funniest people on the planet McLean Stevenson – so I don’t have a favorite character that way and unfortunately I can’t answer the question, I like them both so much, I had so much respect for both….so that is the difference where my head falls regarding that question. 
Lukas: I kept you on the line for a long time and I would love to take this for another 2-3 hours as I still have ton of questions.

Jeff: laughs

Jeff continues: Lukas thank you for asking us and inviting us, it has been lot of fun talking to you and it’s really kind of surprise that we hearing from somebody across the world, listening to MASJH, watching MASH, we appreciate it, I appreciated it and it is really fun to talk to you. I didn’t know people in Slovakia are listening to the show, you might be the only one but hey that’s is ok.

Jeff: laughs

Last Question

Question Lukas: Last question: couple of weeks ago you had reader survey out there, can you reveal what we can look for?

Ryan: We are working on some things and we hope to have something soon out for fans to be able to support the show in different ways. Can’t really say much more than that. But wheels are in motion, let’s just put it that way. As far as actual podcast itself, we do have some more quest, we’ve done some more interviews we’ve didn’t released yet and we still gonna be looking at getting more people on the show. We are so blessed that we have such outpouring response from listeners – it is a blessing and curse because we are really backlogged with lot of listeners question and voice mails, so we have lot of questions to answers. Every time we answer 5 we get 12 more, that is not bad thing, I’m not complaining in any means. If we didn’t have listeners questions we would be twiddling our thumbs for 15 minutes 

All: laughs

Ryan continues: on a podcast and sign off. So its great, it’s a backbone of our podcast – listener questions and feedback that we get, stories that people share. I just feel bad because that there are so many, that we just haven’t got to them yet. But we are going to it. We also have some interviews coming up with some people, at least one in particular and I’m sure we will have more, that aren’t necessary associated with the show itself, but we look at the ways to connect these people to the show and roundabout way either to the show or entertainment industry. We had an author on with Steven Rebello, who had no connection to the show but had a huge connection to 20th century fox, which is the studio that produced the MASH. So we look into things like that. And we have another special bonus episode, that will be coming out hopefully before end of the year with another very special guest. Otherwise we’ll just keep plugging a way we’ll keep doing our thing, listening and answering question, doing interviews and if it ain’t broke we will not fix it.

Thanks to...

Finally, I would like to thank Jeff and Ryan once again for taking the time for this interview, that they sharered with me a lot of information from behind the scenes of MASH, the MASH Matters podcast, and were open to all the questions I had. For the fan, this was a dream come true. On one hand, I had the opportunity to talk to someone who had played in MASH for many years, and on the other hand, I had the opportunity to share my passion for MASH with someone who shares an even greater affection for the series than I do. This is definitely one of those moments that I will almost never forget.

Jeff / Ryan thank you!

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