Silentmaxx Titan je chladič, ktorý si len tak bežne nekúpite, nakoľko ho výrobca (doteraz neznámy, dostaneme sa k tomu neskôr) ponúka len vo svojich PC zostavách. Titan je chladič, ktorý pasívne zvládne podľa výrobcu až 145W odpadového tepla (aj keď...
The Silentmaxx Titan is a cooler that you won't just buy off the shelf, as the manufacturer offers it only in their PC builds. According to the manufacturer, the Titan can passively handle up to 145W of waste heat (even though the website states...
Noctua today launched its new HOME product line for home, office and multi-purpose ventilation. Starting with two fan sets and nine modular accessory products that enable Noctua fans to be used for various cooling tasks outside the realm of PC...
Noctua dnes spustila svoju novú produktovú radu HOME pre domáce, kancelárske a viacúčelové chladenie. Začínajúc dvoma súpravami ventilátorov a deviatimi modulárnymi príslušnými produktami, ktoré umožňujú použitie ventilátorov Noctua na rôzne...
G.SKILL International Enterprise Co., Ltd., the world’s leading brand of performance overclock memory and PC components, is announcing the release of Ripjaws M5 RGB, a high-performance RGB DDR5 memory series designed for the latest DDR5-enabled Intel...
"Noctua predstavila svoj nový chladič CPU NH-L12Sx77 s nízkym profilom pre kompaktné, výkonné a tiché systémy Small Form Factor. NH-L12Sx77 je o niečo vyššou variantou oceneného modelu NH-L12S, ktorý ponúka lepší chladiaci výkon a zlepšenú...
A new study published in the journal Nature analyzes the history of human societies to better understand how adverse events affect their resilience. Led by Philip Riris from University College London, the team examined how humanity has managed to...
Noctua, a name synonymous with top-notch CPU coolers and fans, boasts a relatively short history yet has carved a formidable reputation in the realm of computer cooling. In 2005, Roland Mossig (CEO) and Mag. Reinhard Winkler embarked on their venture...