Zomrel jeden z najuznávanejších vedcov súčasnosti Stephen Hawking.
Podľa vyhlásenia jeho rodiny zomrel doma vo svojom dome v Cambridge v spánku. Stephen Hawking trpel vážnym zdravotným postihnutím ALS (amyotrofická laterálna skleróza). Postupne ochrnul na celom tele a stratil hlas. Vďaka softvéru Equalizer a EZKeys mohol v rozprávať, robiť prednášky či písať emaily.
Do povedomia bežných ľudí sa dostal vďaka sérii popularizačných kníh. Najnámejšia bola kniha Stručné dejiny času.
Jeho pohľad na fyziku bavil a pútal a k fascinácii vedou viedol stámilióny ak nie miliardy ľudí. Čítali sme jeho knihy po desaťročia, bavili sa nad jeho fyzikálnymi stávkami a rozmýšlali nad jeho myšlienkami o spoločnosti. Už bohužiaľ nebudeme. Najväčšia ikona súčasnej vedy odišla vo veku 76 rokov v Pí deň roku 2018.
Česť jeho pamiatke.
Svet smúti, z kondolencií vyberáme:
“Silent face, the marble index of a mind forever voyaging through strange seas of thought, alone.” Wordsworth was writing of Newton, but he might have been foreseeing the silent face of Newton’s great successor as Lucasian Professor. pic.twitter.com/VZIP0xdQmG
— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) March 14, 2018
I feel lucky to have known Stephen Hawking. His work is an inspiring reminder of what human minds are capable of.
— Bill Gates (@BillGates) March 14, 2018
Have fun out there among the stars. pic.twitter.com/S285MTwGtp
— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) March 14, 2018
One voice can change the universe. Rest in peace Stephen Hawking. pic.twitter.com/jHC089Pnaa
— Intel (@intel) March 14, 2018
At age 22, he was given 2 years to live...
— MatPat (@MatPatGT) March 14, 2018
...and over the next 55 years, Stephen Hawking became one of the most important scientific minds in history.
Of all the lessons he gave us, the greatest is that when the odds are against you, NEVER give up. GREATNESS exists inside you.
His passing has left an intellectual vacuum in his wake. But it's not empty. Think of it as a kind of vacuum energy permeating the fabric of spacetime that defies measure. Stephen Hawking, RIP 1942-2018. pic.twitter.com/nAanMySqkt
— Neil deGrasse Tyson (@neiltyson) March 14, 2018
Remembering Stephen Hawking, a renowned physicist and ambassador of science. His theories unlocked a universe of possibilities that we & the world are exploring. May you keep flying like superman in microgravity, as you said to astronauts on @Space_Station in 2014 pic.twitter.com/FeR4fd2zZ5
— NASA (@NASA) March 14, 2018
RIP Stephen Hawking pic.twitter.com/re7PEC8unl
— The Simpsons (@simpsons_vids) March 14, 2018
ZDROJ: theguardian
Pavol Bobik