Interview s Jeffom Maxwellom (MASH 4077th!) a Ryanom Patrickom (MASH Matters podcast)

Why this project?

Lukas: I had question how long you know each other because at least for me and I think couple of people on podcast mentioned the same, that when you are talking together it seems like you know each other for years and years and we found out its more than 20 years.

Question Lukas: Jeff why did you agreed to do this kind of project?

Jeff: Oh pardon me…

Ryan: Yes why did you agreed to do this? I wanna know to…

Jeff/Ryan: laughs

Jeff continues: I don’t know, I have to check that with somebody to tell me. Screaming to background: Hey Marty why did I agreed to that? (comment from author: Marty is fictional character used in podcast as well)

Ryan: I think judge ordered you to do that isn’t that?

Jeff: there was some law enforcement…

Ryan: laughs

Jeff: why did I agree? First of all when I did promotions for the book hundred millions years ago and was on Ryan’s radio show, and I done whole bunch of radio shows, and I got to Ryan’s and I just enjoyed it – I’ve couldn't tell exactly why, I just felt friendship with people I talked to, I enjoyed it and interestingly enough I did radio show about 3 in the morning my time California (comment from author: Jeff was relating this fact to the fact we did this interview between 1-3 AM Slovak time), because they did it quite early…But I enjoyed it and I enjoyed conversation that Ryan and I had enough to say hey lets keep in touch and we did. You know Ryan is very talented guy, talented broadcaster, actor, director he know lot of stuff and there is a certain amount of trust that has to happen between people, I think in order to do this kind of stuff well. I certainly trust Ryan and I know Ryan has having terribly time trusting me, which I completely understand (Ryan laughs) but I trusted him great deal and on conversations I can tell that I did and that's why I did it. Cause I thought it will be fun and if I was gonna do podcast based on our relationship and our conversation I thought it would be fun to do it with Ryan Patrick. So I said hey let’s do that, of course I stuck my foot in the door and said: Hey I wanna do it with ya which he probably: imitating Ryan: oh dzeeez talked to his wife and that guy want to do it with me, what I’m gonna do honey? And she probably (still imitating) I don’t know honey, let him do in what difference does it make…

Jeff/Ryan: laughs

Jeff: The fact that we just sort have sort same sense of humor and we enjoyed the fact MASH was produced and we enjoyed it for different reasons that why I was attracted to do it and I enjoy do it.

Ryan: Even though you had no idea what a podcast was

Jeff: laughs

I didn’t know what podcast was and I still don’t know what podcast is and where to listed to it. But lot of people do so I’m ok with it. But we do have fun I really enjoy it we have great time doing it, we love hearing people talk to us, sending us emails about it, comment what we are doing, we really enjoy it love people who call in, leave us phone messages, talking about what MASH meant to them and I think that it’s great that I and Ryan can have this forum to allow people to connect with that and be able to express that. That’s another reason why I enjoy doing that.

Comments (1)

Skvely napad, necakal ze sa vam nieco take podari...klobuk dole

MASH je skvely, zavidim ze ste sa bavili s niekym s MASHu...kto z nas na tom nevyrastal :D

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