Interview s Jeffom Maxwellom (MASH 4077th!) a Ryanom Patrickom (MASH Matters podcast)

Let´s start

Guys, if we can do it in a same way as you do on podcast, that you comment on each other, that would be perfect 😊 You know how to do it, I do not need to tell you how…

Ryan: laughs

Jeff: Let’s go, Because Ryan knows most of the words, I don’t know many words, so he tells most of it for us and I go along with that

All: laughs

Ryan: Jeff is best at making lot of noises too, he makes great noises, so there is that

Jeff: I don’t have the noise machine

Lukas: What a shame

Question Lukas: Can you tell us little bit more about yourself + what is your connection to the show?

Jeff: Go ahead Ryan, they need to know about you

Ryan: I live in Illinois, US, I work now at marketing but before that I worked in radio for many years. Radio is actually where I connected with Jeff, where I was doing morning show and at the same time Jeff wrote his cookbook and he was doing media tour and appearing on radio stations across the country. He agreed to come on our little radio station and join us, so that how we first connected. That was 20 – 21 years ago and we just stayed in touch since then. I left radio in 2011 and started working in marketing and then few year ago I reached out to Jeff and I had some thoughts about podcast about doing podcast about MASH and I didn’t know where it was gonna go. I reached out to him if he would like to be guest or some recurring role and to my delight and surprised, he was interested in doing even more and that when we together created concept of Mash matters. It’s all link back to my radio career and I have no idea we would be doing this and talking about my favorite TV show of all time.

Jeff: Oooh that sweet, I like that story

Jeff/Ryan: laughs

Lukas: You just made that up right? 

All: Laughs

Jeff: He made the whole thing up, none of its true but it is sweet story anyway

All: laughs

Lukas: What about you Jeff?

Jeff: I was born in small shack in Alabama

Ryan: laughs 

Jeff continues: No…Born and raised in California and as a small kid I was big fat kid in school and lot of other not so big fat kids used to push me over and call me bad names and as heavy sad kid you either learn how to hit back really hard or you try and make people laugh and that what I tried to do. I wasn’t very good at it for couple of years so I was beat up for couple of years (Jeff laughs)

But I kept at it and finally I was able to start make people laugh and it was really fun to do and I love every second of it and actually lost weight doing that. You lost weight running away from people that want to beat you up (laughs). So later on in school I have some friends and we all hang out together and we started make each other to laugh. Eventually I had one friend and we decided to try and make ourselves comedy team. It was born in high school and when we made it out of the school we made in profession and ended up staying together for 7-8 years travelling around the country, world doing comedy team which was really fun.

Comedy team was called Garret and Maxwell and we were sort of offshoot of the comedy team of Martin and Luis or Roan and Martin – which probably no one will know those names, but that who we tried to emulate and we were pretty good at it and later on we sort of just after number of years decided to go our own ways and I ended up at 20 century Fox and through lot of people there they sad well hey do you want to try acting? Which I didn’t wanted to do, cause I was not crazy about actors…but I ended up getting little part on MASH and through series events I just sort of felt into and I liked them and the like me and that was 9 year relationship and that’s how I went into showbiz and how I got associated with MASH and It was real joy and still it’s a joy, give me opportunity to meat lot of people, and give me opportunity to talk to nice people like you Lukas and who are kind enough to invite us on and talk about ourselves so Thank you!

Duo of Garrett and Maxwell

Lukas: Ooh that’s nice, thank you glad to hear that

Comments (1)

Skvely napad, necakal ze sa vam nieco take podari...klobuk dole

MASH je skvely, zavidim ze ste sa bavili s niekym s MASHu...kto z nas na tom nevyrastal :D

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